Sophomore Graham Hampton

graham_hamptonWhat is your honest opinion about school food?


“I never buy lunch. I have no opinion.”

What’s your favourite holiday?


“Thanksgiving, because there’s lots of food and I get to see a lot of my family.”

Have you participated in any sports? Which one if your favorite?


“I’ve done soccer and I’m doing track right now. I like track more.”

What good books have you read? What’s your favorite?


“I don’t read that much, but I like The Hunger Games.”

What is your best accomplishment?


“I made it through eighth grade.”

What is your favorite indoor activity?


“Sleeping and eating.”

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?


“I would change it to Sagar.”

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?


“I would want to learn how to fly.”

What is your favorite body part?


“I like my hair.”

What question do you hate to answer?


“All the ones you just asked me. I love you though.”

by Sagar Samuel, Profile