Parkway Celebrates Bus Drivers with Parkway Bus Driver Appreciation Day

Bus Driver Appreciation Day is April 12 , 2016. Parkway appreciates and thanks our bus driver for getting students to and from school in a safe and timely manner.


Here are some things that you might not know about them:

Jennifer Barns; bus 161: Bus Feature- Jennifer Barns

Q: How long have you been a bus driver for Parkway?

A: 5 years

Q: Why did you want be a bus driver?

A: I’m a Parkway parent, and my daughters were out of middle school. The economy was tanking and I needed to bring income.

Q: What is your favorite part about being a bus driver?

A: Having a great group of friends/co-workers and being involved with Parkway. .

Q: What is the worst part about being a bus driver?

A: Getting up early

Q: How do you get used to the busy schedule?

A: I get used to the routine. I’m very good with scheduling. After I’m done with my runs I go do errands for my family.


Robert Boston; bus 163: Bus Feature- Robert Bostson

Q: How long have you been a bus driver for Parkway?

A: 15 years

Q: Why did you want be a bus driver?

A: I wanted to work with something that has to do with security. I thought of transportation.

Q: What is your favorite part about being a bus driver?

A: Being able to drop off the students safe and sound.

Q: What is the worst part about being a bus driver?

A: When you have a group of unruly students with discipline problems.

Q: How do you get used to the busy schedule?

A: At first it was difficult, but then I learned to deal with it. You have time in the middle of the day so there are advantages and disadvantages.


Bob Evers; bus 164: Bus Feature- Bob Evers

Q: How long have you been a bus driver for Parkway?

A: It’s my 1st year

Q: Why did you want be a bus driver?

A: I recently retired and was looking for something to do part time.

Q: What is your favorite part about being a bus driver?

A: When you have kids that behave.

Q: What is the worst part about being a bus driver?

A: When you have kids that don’t behave

Q: How do you get used to the busy schedule?

A: I’m still adjusting. I just have to work around it.


LaRonda Jackson; bus 16: Bus Feature- LaRonda Jackson

Q: Why did you want to be a bus driver?

A: It was actually more of a dare. Somebody said I couldn’t do it, and I did it and ended up loving it.

Q: What is your favorite part about being a bus driver?

A: The relationship I have with the kids and their parents.

Q: What is the worst part about being a bus driver?

A: Traffic.

Q: How did you get used to the busy schedule?

A: Not really anything to get used to. It actually works perfect for me because in the between time, I can go to doctors appointments or take care of business.

by Ijeoma Nkenchor, Marketing Genius