Gay Straight Alliance, Social Justice Action Team Work Together

Layla Kousari schedules a public speaker
Layla Kousari contacts a public speaker to come speak at North.

The Social Justice Action Team and the Gay Straight Alliance have been actively pushing for equality across Parkway North by bringing in speakers to talk about the problems that society faces today.  On Oct. 25, Chad’s Coalition spoke to a small group of students about teenage issues including suicide prevention and bullying.

Social Justice Action Team sponsor Mike Hazelton hopes that all of the activities that the GSA and the Social Justice Action Team are putting on will “start conversations” throughout the school pertaining to equality and bullying.  He also hopes that people will take this month and help the LGBT community.

“I would like [GSA] to be a voice for those who can’t speak for themselves,” said GSA sponsor Chad Little. “GSA is not just for those who support the LGBT community.  [It is for] friends and supporters of everyone’s right to be who they want to be.”

The two groups have been actively trying to bring attention to the inequality that is seen across society.  On Oct. 26, North held an anti-protest against the Westboro Baptist Church, whom did not attend their own protest.   With the protest and the speaker, the two groups are becoming important pillars of the community.

“[The Social Justice Action Team’s] purpose is to develop activities that will generate acceptance of marginalized segments of our community, [whether it’s] race, gender, or orientation,” said Hazelton. “[It’s] all about generating conversations to get more acceptance.”

The next speaker to present will be Dr. Jonathan Smith, Associate Professor of African American Studies at Saint Louis University, who will talk about problems centered on race, and how affirmative action helped him out of the cycle that many African Americans face.

The Social Justice Action Team also plans on bringing in a religious panel for discussion in December to promote equality between religious views and to encourage tolerance through the community.

One can join the Social Justice Action Team by attending one of their open meetings on during labs on Mondays in Hazelton’s room, where they talk about different justice issues instead of just one focus.  Contact Hazelton or junior Eryn Carter for more details.

One can join Gay Straight Alliance by attending one of their meetings after school in the drama room on either the first or third Wednesdays of each month. Contact Little or freshman MacKenzie Becker for more details.

By: Zack Becker  Online Editor