Sophomore Hudson Volk

hudson_volk_ppWhat is one thing you’re most proud of?


“I made varsity baseball freshman year.”


What is the hardest part of school for you?


“Staying on top of all the work.”


What is your worst fear?


“I would hate to drown and I absolutely hate spiders.“


How many kids do you think would be the ideal amount to have and why?


“Two. I could try and make one be really good at something and the other one want to be good at it because they’re siblings. It’s a motivation thing.”


What is something you would never do for a million dollars?


“Probably drink [alcohol].“


What is one thing you can do that many people don’t know about?


“I can yo-yo pretty well.”


What is your dream car?


“Porsche 918 Spyder.“


If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?


“Mike Trout. He’s my favourite baseball player.“


If you could only choose between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which one would it be and why?


“Dinner. I always get the best food at dinner.“


During recess, what activity/game did you play the most?