(NEW!) Students Prepare for ACT

Students at Parkway North are finding many different ways to prepare for the upcoming ACT test on Oct. 27, and the subsequent exams offered in December and February.

Most notably, every day after school select groups of students remain in the classroom to prepare themselves by taking practice tests that give realistic examples of possible exam questions.

                “[For me], taking the ACT practice tests [helps] to improve my analytical skills and to improve the speed of which I take the test, because that was my main problem last time,” said junior Chase Veilleux.

                Three different prep classes are offered to students at North focusing on Math, Science, and English Usage and Comprehension. All of these concepts are present on the exam.

                “The prep class was started by Dr. Marquart, and I just coordinate the classes,” said North’s Test Coordinator Judy Babitz. “The reason the classes were started is to assist students with their preparation for the ACT tests, so we coordinate with the national testing dates.”

                The instructors who run these classes are members of the staff at North. Math teacher Lynn Elliot leads the Math class, Science teacher Allen Daniel runs the Science class, and Academic Teaching Assistant Miriam Whatley helps students looking to improve their skills in English.

                “[The classes] are very worthwhile because students will learn testing techniques to help them succeed with the exam,” Babitz said.

                Students might not like the idea of staying after school an hour each day, but realizing the potential benefits gained from the class drives many involved to stay active.

                “It’s just one of those things you have to do before you can do the things that you want to do,” Veilleux said.

                The ACT is a nationwide test that allows colleges to determine whether or not potential students would be good fits for their university. Many scholarships are based off of students’ performance on the exam, which leads to the main reason students should considering taking advantage of this opportunity.

                “We have found that the students who take these classes do better,” Babitz explained.

                As many upperclassmen at North are preparing to apply for college, the ACT is one of many important factors that influence where their future education will take place.

                “The ACT is really important, but it’s not the only factor when applying to colleges,” Hiebert said. “The others include your grades, extracurricular activities and the financial aspect.”

by Kevin Graeler