Junior RhonniRose Mantilla
What is one thing you’re most proud of?
“My talents like my abilities to dance and sing.”
What is the hardest part of school for you?
“Studying for tests.”
What is your worst fear?
“Not being successful or as successful as I want to be.“
How many kids do you think would be the ideal amount to have and why?
“Three. There would probably be diversity in gender, different ages, and I guess that would be cool.”
What is something you would never do for a million dollars?
“Kill anyone that means something to me.“
What is one thing you can do that many people don’t know about?
What is your dream car?
“Volkswagen Beetle.“
If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?
“Teyana Taylor because she’s so cool and she has everything together and she’s an amazing person.“
If you could only choose between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which one would it be and why?
“Probably dinner. You get to eat a variety or so many different foods sometimes.“
During recess, what activity/game did you play the most?
“I played tag a lot.“