Sophomore Katie Franzer

katie_franzer_ppWhat has been your favorite part of this year?

“Having classes with most of my friends is amazing.”

Do you have a role model? What about them do you look up to?

“My parents are my role models. Their success in general keeps me wanting to do better.”

Are you a morning or night person?

“Night. It’s easier for me to stay up late than to wake up early.”

What’s your least favorite subject and what about it do you dislike?

“English. I don’t really like writing essays and reading.”

What is your dream job?

“Some kind of doctor. They help people and it seems interesting to know more about the health of others.”

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

“I’m more of an extrovert. I like social events more than being by myself.”

What’s your favorite season?

“Summer! There’s no school and I get to be outside more.”

What do you look for in a significant other?

“I would want someone who is nice and appreciative of things in general.”

What are your usual plans for the weekend?

“I usually hang out with people and go out to eat because I really love to eat.”

What would you do all day if money was not a problem?

“I would drive and go grocery shopping with all my friends. We could get all the food we wanted like cookies and Scooby Snacks.”