Life Counts Club Discusses Women’s Health

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere have been various political discussion clubs at Parkway North, and the Life Counts Club recently was added to that list. Life Counts—a non-school-sponsored club to discuss topics surrounding women’s health, human life, and abortion—began in January.

                While the stance of the leaders of Life Counts is pro-life, pro-choice students are welcome to participate.

                “One of the main purposes of this club is to encourage honest conversation about these issues. And I think the conversation is richer when both sides are represented,” said club sponsor Adam Stiller, Latin teacher.

                There have been two meetings so far. The participants have discussed pro-life videos, articles, and presentations made by club leaders.

                Junior Sarah Williams, who is pro-choice, attended the first meeting and felt the club was “more for getting it out there that there’s a pro-life presence in the school. It’s not so much about discussion, which I would have hoped it would be.”

                Both Stiller and the student leaders of the group hope that will not always be the case. The majority of people who come to the meetings are pro-life, but the activities present topics of discussion.

                “We have a guest speaker coming in April who promises to be stimulating. I like to see when people are courageous enough to interact with people who differ from them. I would be delighted to see more of that in our student body,” said Stiller.

                There was some uncertainty when the students approached faculty about finding a sponsor, but Stiller volunteered two weeks after he learned the club needed a sponsor.

                “[There may have been hesitation from the faculty because] it’s a scary issue. It makes people very angry on both sides. Whichever side your beliefs fall on, there are huge consequences morally, politically, and socially,” said Stiller. “People’s passions run hot. And it’s a scary thing to sponsor a club that takes a position on this topic, even if it encourages open debate like Life Counts does.”

The next meeting is on April 24 after school in Stiller’s room.

By: Molly Thal  Co-Editor-in-Chief