Freshman Julia Kempff

julia_kempffUSEWhat’s the worst thing you’ve ever spent your money on?

“Reese’s Pieces. I hate those.”


What genre of music do you hate the most?



What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you this year?

“I fell down the stairs like two times in one day in front of a lot of people I didn’t know.”


If you could live in another country, which country would it be?

“Probably somewhere in Asia.”


What are your three favorite apps on your phone?

“Instagram, Netflix, and YouTube.”


What is one snack you can eat over and over without getting full?



What is one thing people do that annoys you the most?

“When people act like they like me. I really don’t like fake friends.”


Is there something that scares you the most about growing up?

“Having the responsibility of being a parent.”


What is one thing you miss the most from your childhood?

“Just laying around and not being responsible.”