Math Teacher Lindsay Melnick direct seniors during morning practice for the Senior Farewell Ceremony. Not every senior was present for the Farewell Ceremony.
Seniors lineup and prepare to walk for the Senior Farewell Ceremony on May 14. The Ceremony was held in reminisce of the seniors' past years at North and other Parkway schools.
Senior Counselor Paul Arthur speaks at the Senior Farewell. He reminded the seniors that each of them has unique gifts to offer. “No one can take your place,” he said. “And the world needs you.”
Senior Thomas Coleman gives the commencement address. He spoke about how giving extra can make a difference. “I’m talking about the little things that can separate ourselves from the rest,” he said. “ . . . All we need to get there is that extra time, that extra work and that extra tenacity,” he said.
The first row of seniors stand up to receive their diplomas from Principal Dr. Tori Cain. They proceeded to shake hands with Parkway School District administrators.
Seniors wait in line to get their picture taken after receiving their high school diploma. After receiving their diploma and a quick photo on stage with Dr. Tori Cain, the seniors saw more cameras flashing as they walked back to their seats.
The class of 2018 move their tassels from right to left, signifying that they had officially graduated high school.
Seniors toss their caps into the air at the end of the ceremony. Senior Charles Collins II said, “It’s sadder than I expected it to be.” He said he realized there are “a lot of people who I didn’t think about that I wouldn’t see anymore.”
Graduate Hannah Ghidey poses with a relative outside the family arena after the ceremony. This was the first year that the ceremony didn’t have a limit on how many people seniors could invite.